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Enjoy some random photos from my life.

Playing piano in a talent show, 2006

Otter shirt with otter sculpture at the National Zoo, 2009

Freshman year of college, 2010

Entering the Washington Post Peeps Diorama contest, 2011

Making friends with a donkey, 2011

Geology field trip to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, 2012

First Owl City concert, 2012

Tagging a Hawaiian monk seal pup at Midway Atoll NWR, 2014 (NMFS permit 16632)

Clipping the flight feathers of a Laysan duck in preparation for translocation, Midway Atoll NWR, 2014

Painting short-tailed albatross decoys at Midway Atoll NWR, 2014

Making friends with a sooty tern at Midway Atoll NWR, 2014

Enjoying Block Island, 2017

Picking pomelos from my grandma's tree in Hawaii, 2019

Carving in the sand at Island Beach State Park, 2020

Picking lychees from my uncle's tree in Florida, 2021